Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Guardians of Virtue

This photo is a representative few of the wonderful men in our stake who have completed their YW Virtue value and earned themselves a Gold Virtue Tie. 

Sister Smithson gave the priesthood men a challenge to complete the virtue value soon after it was given to the Young Women of the church.  These are the men of our bishoprics, stake presidency, high council and valiant fathers, and other priesthood holders who honor womanhood and cherish virtue. 

Sister Dalton had given a similar challenge to the priesthood leaders she works with and at our auxiliary training meetings in April of 2009 she reported that she gave President Dalquist (then the YM General president) and all the YM leaders who attended their auxiliary training meeting the night before, the virtue value insert and challenged them to do it too.  Virtue is not gender specific! Virtue is Preisthood power. (D & C 38)

She asked "If we won't stand for virtue, who will?"

The YM leaders stood as Sister Dalton took the stand for our meeting, to show her respect as a women, and leader of Young Women.  She told us that their simple gesture was evidence that these good men are "guardians of virtue".  As YW leaders we work together with the YM leaders. 

In Sister Smithson's challenge, given during a stake priesthood leadership meeting, she shared some of the same ideas from Sister Dalton and reminded our priesthood leaders of their importance in the lives of the YW in our stake.  As fathers, youth leaders, bishopric members and stake presidency members the young women look to them to model righteous behavior--like the Savior's--each day.  Their willingness to take this challenge has been a visual reminder of their covenant keeping obedience. And has been a source of strength to the young women in our area.

We are proud to work along side these (and other) good men.  We love their role as leaders and bearers of the priesthood.  We appreciate their support and love.  And we recommend, to all our beautiful and beloved young women, their examples in following the Lord Jesus Christ in all things.

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